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Public Policy Committee


As an organization that seeks to transform communities and the mental health system throughout California, CAMHPRO supports public policy positions that will empower, support, and ensure the rights of consumers, eliminate stigma, and advance self-determination for all those affected by mental health issues by championing the work of consumer-run organizations.

Public Policy Committee

A pillar at CAMHPRO, the Public Policy Committee, meets monthly online. Participants are encouraged to discuss local and statewide mental health and social justice topics that affect consumers/peers. The group also collaborates on letters and policy positions for CAMHPRO, as well as other forms of advocacy for public policy. The group also assists in the Advocacy Day planning in collaboration with the LEAD state conference, where members facilitate visits with legislators in Sacramento.

Legislative Subcommittee

This six-member subcommittee, made up of peer leaders and advocates from all five regions of California, is working on drafting proposals for funding peer respites and examining initiatives for ongoing peer support certification implementation. Newly established in December 2022, the Legislative Subcommittee serves under the Public Policy Committee and reports to the committee at the monthly meetings.

Join us for our public policy online meetings which are held on the third Thursday of each month at 4pm. For more information and/or to join the meeting please contact avery@camhpro.org